Thursday, January 5, 2017

8 tips to save money on your heating bills

Even there are many ways to reduce energy bills, improve comfort and help the environment. So we’ve come up with 8 simple and cheap ways to save your money on the bills.

  1. Adjust the thermostat
Set the thermostat as low as possible on your heating system. Each degree of extra heating in winter increases energy consumption by about 5–10%. Set the thermostat to 18–20°C in winter.

2. Use your central heating wisely
Don’t forget to switch your radiant off when you are out of the house or leaving the room for any length of time. This impacts your energy bill.
3. Make sure the radiator efficient
Devices like radiator boosters and other fan assisted devices for radiators can help heat the room up more quickly so should be worth considering.

4. Insulate

Insulate the roof, walls and floor, seal off windows draughts, let in winter sun and draw curtains at night because plenty of heat is lost through the windows. You could use a lit incense stick around the window to find out where the cold is coming in.
5. Use a chimney balloon
Chimney Balloon is the simplest, easiest way to save energy and money in your home, it helps to keep the drafts out and the heat inside.
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6. Install radiator reflector efficient
It works by sending the heat from the back of your radiator into the room. You should install it against the wall, you’ll get the maximum impact from your heating system.
7. Clean heating vents
Ensure that the air ducts in your home are clean to not prevent heated air from circulating efficiently.
8. Weatherize windows with plastic film insulation

If you have old windows, before thinking to replace them by double or triple glazing ones to curb drafts, you weatherize windows with plastic film.

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