Thursday, October 27, 2016

Simple ways to lower your energy bills - HEATING

Operate your thermostat efficiently
Set your thermostat down to 68 degrees, you’ll save up to 5% on heating cost for every degree you lower your heat in the 60-degree to 70-degree range. These prevent your home from getting warmer than necessary. They turn the heating on until the rooms reach the temperature you have set, and then turn off until the temperature drops.
Turn your heaters off when you don’t need them, rather than leaving them on all day- this includes your heat pump.

Adjust your thermostat
If underfloor heating heat your home, before you need your home to be warm, set the timer 45 minutes. So that it has time to reach the required temperature. If you have radiators, set the timer is 15-30 minutes. In addition, turn the heating off before you leave home or go to bed 15-30 minutes, Fast Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Richmond Texas because the heat already built up to warm your house.

Maintain your heating system
Getting your heater serviced professional-such as ACS Absolute Comfort company, phone 281-495-2013- at least every two years will keep it running more efficiently. Keeping heaters free of dust and cleaning any filters regularly will also help.
Replace or clean furnace filters as recommended. Dirty filters restrict airflow and increase energy use. Same day Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Sugar Land Texas
Caulk leaks around windows and doors. Look for places where you have pipes, vents or electrical conduits that go through the wall, ceiling or floor. Check the bathroom, underneath the kitchen sink, pipes inside a closet, etc. Seal up them.
More: Air conditioning mistakes to avoid

Monday, October 17, 2016

Treatment and Drugs to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be especially dangerous for people who are sleeping or intoxicated. People may have irreversible brain damage or even be killed before anyone realizes there's a problem. CO can cause health problems before you even notice that it is present. When you breathe in CO, it reduces your body's ability to carry oxygen in your blood.

Once you're at the hospital, treatment may involve:

Oxygen Treatment

Your symptoms will often indicate whether you have carbon monoxide poisoning, but a blood test will confirm the amount of carboxyhemoglobin in your blood. A level of 30% indicates severe exposure.

People who smoke can often have higher than normal levels of carboxyhemoglobin in their blood, which can sometimes make it difficult to interpret the results.

In the emergency room, you may breathe pure oxygen through a mask placed over your nose and mouth. This helps oxygen reach your organs and tissues. If you can't breathe on your own, a machine (ventilator) may do the breathing for you. Fast Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Katy Texas

Carbon monoxide levels in the blood may be periodically checked until they are low enough to safely send the patient home. 


Oxy Chamber

Your doctor may temporarily place you in a pressurized oxygen chamber (also known as a hyperbaric oxygen chamber). The oxygen chamber has twice the pressure of normal air. This treatment quickly increases oxygen levels in the blood and it’s typically used in severe cases of CO poisoning or to treat CO poisoning in pregnant women.

Emergency Care

You should never treat CO poisoning yourself. If you believe you have CO poisoning, go outdoors immediately and call 911. Don’t drive yourself to the hospital because you may pass out while driving.

If you live in Texas and in one of these cities: Katy, Sugar Land, Pearland, Richmond or Missouri City areas, for Fast Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Richmond Texas, you can contact ACS Absolute Comfort at 281-495-2013
Relative article: Symptoms Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Air conditioning mistakes to avoid

Although Air conditioning’s function is very simple, but they are fairly complex machines that rely on several components to work properly. With this article, apart from changing your air conditioning habits, it also helps if you know the most common mistakes to avoid and reduce usage and electric bills.
1. Incorrect Thermostat Settings
Turn your thermostat way down as soon as you get home because you want the air to get cooler right away, do not turn the thermostat way down and expect your AC unit to work faster, this won’t make the house cool off faster, and then waste a lot more energy to get Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Richmond Texas to the really cold temperatures.
Remember, every degree makes a difference of about 7% in your AC unit’s power consumption, so even a small adjustment  can actually make a huge difference on your monthly utility bills.
2. Not Changing the Air Filter
The air filter is the essential component of every air conditioner that removes dust and debris from the air before it blows into your home. Changing the air filter is a task that is simple and inexpensive, yet so many homeowners continue to let this duty pass by. Over time, your system’s air filter will become clogged with dirt and it will need to be cleaned or replaced on a regularly basis. Although there are filters that can last longer between cleaning Air Filter, you still have to make sure that it is cleaned on a monthly basis as dirt can actually reduce the system’s efficiency.
If your air conditioner has a reusable filter, wash it in cold water and let it dry completely before putting it back in the unit. Trying to wipe off the air filter can damage its delicate dust-trapping surface. If you need to replace your air filter, contact us at 281-495-2013, we are ACS Absolute Comfort to schedule Fast Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Sugar Land Texas service in Katy, Sugar Land, Pearland, Richmond and Missouri city and to find replacements that fit your unit exactly.
3. Running Your AC 24/7
Use a programmable thermostat or individual unit timer to start cooling off the house before you get home from work. This is cheaper and more efficient than leaving the air conditioner running all day, despite rumors to the contrary.
4. Not Running Your AC At All
Same day Air conditioning AC HVAC service in Sugar Land Texas
Although overworking your unit is bad, not running your air conditioning system for long stretches of time is also not a good idea. If you are going to be away for a long period of time, don’t shut the AC off and expect it to run efficiently when you get back. As mold may creep in while your system sits idle, it is best to run your air conditioning unit for at least a few minutes. This will help protect not only your AC system but also the indoor air quality.
5. Ignoring Routine Maintenance
Although most air conditioning units can run on their own for extended periods of time, they will eventually need to undergo maintenance in order to operate at maximum efficiency throughout the entire year. To make sure that your AC unit will continue to function efficiently, make sure you have it checked at least once per cooling season. Doing so will save you costly repairs down the road. Emergency air conditioning service in Richmond

More: When air conditioning emits unpleasant odors